Grounded in Americana and tradition but modernized through its sense of humor and whimsy, this is an accurate reflection of Founding Farmers' food philosophy and dining atmosphere.

primary logo in B&W and color

secondary logo in B&W and color

multiple texture applications for the logo. the multiplicity of imagery is part of the overall identity, reflecting the multiplicity found in American culture.

business cards: one treatment where the rooster wears a chef's hat, exclusively for the culinary staff (i.e. executive chef), a second treatment with the rooster toasting a martini glass for the bar staff (i.e. chief mixologist) staff, and a third treatment for general use (i.e. general manager)

letterheads are printed on different types of paper to cement the idea of multiplicity and diversity

carrier folder design

style guide and graphic standards manual

recipe cards

recipe cards

recipe cards



pickling kit

pickling kit

take away bag and menus

menus (with reverse side shown)

take away bag